Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Game's Character "Kelly Pitts" Reduced To A Reoccuring Character

So as we all know CW sitcom "The Game" is back and made its 4th season premiere this past Tuesday on its new network BET. The cast had been doing alot of promo for the weeks leading up to the premiere but "The Game" star Brittany Daniel also know as "Kelly Pitts" hasn't been at alot of the events. No one knows exactly why she hasn't been at all the events (although fellow cast member Pooch "Derwin" Hall did state at their appearance on Monday night's "Mo'Nique Show" that Brittany had to attend her nephew's baptism that's why she was absent).

Brittany revealed in an interview last year with Vibe that her character has been reduced to a reocurring role so one can only assume that this might have something to do with her absences.

Read the interview below:

What’s different for me is I was a series regular before and now I’m just a reoccurring character on the show. We did 13 episodes and I’m just contracted to do six. Another change is that we’re shooting in Atlanta and that’s different. [The Game was previously filmed in Los Angeles.]

Wow, that’s really disappointing. Did the powers that be tell you why they reduced your role?

I wasn’t happy about it, I wanted to do all the episodes but I think it was a financial thing. So I think the biggest difference for me between working for CW and BET is on the CW I made more money [laughs]. But the reason I came back to do the show is that I love the show. And I love, love the people that I work with so even though it came down to [my reduced role] I had to be supportive of the rest of the cast. I know me not showing up would affect a lot of story lines differently so I decided to be a team player anyway.

Are there any other changes in having The Game going from a network to a basic cable channel?

We’re shooting thirteen episodes at one time. So we’ll be finished with shooting thirteen episodes in a month and a half. The first day of my shooting day I did a scene from the last episode. Then after lunch you might be shooting a scene from the first episode. So that was really challenging to keep up with where you are in the story from hour to hour.

Whoa. Really? Most dramas and sitcoms take several months to shoot a whole season worth of shows.