Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Should Bobby Moynihan's Nathan Lane impression lead an SNL skit?

So it's time for my first editorial of 2011!

Here is Bobby Moynihan playing Nathan Lane:

Bobby has played Nathan Lane three times now:

02.07.2009 - No Bruce! Let Me Finish! The Best Of Celebrity Tirades

10.03.2009 - So You Committed A Crime & You Think You Can Dance

03.13.2010 - Hamlet Audition

True Nathan Lane isn't super popular, but I think that's okay, if it's hilarious.

Click here to see the details of our editorial about why Bobby Moynihan should lead a skit with his Nathan Lane character (and our historical reasoning, based on other SNL skits):


Besides, I would love to see Andy Samberg's Nicholas Cage (or Billy Bob Thornton) impression on the show, acting as a fish out of water in a strange, musical environment.

What do you think? Should Bobby's Lane impression lead a skit? Would this be funny?

Remember to go here to read the full argument:


No, this isn't directly related to Andy enough, which is why we're doing another post later today.
