Friday, April 15, 2011

Lashanda Armstrong’s selfish act of suicide and mass murder robbed her 3 children of their civil right to live

Story: Lashanda’s Deadbeat hell
When I first heard bits and pieces about a woman driving her car into the Hudson River killing herself and three children, I assumed it was a horrible accident.

But, as the details of her story became more public, and it turned out that it wasn’t an accident but an intentional act of suicide-murder, I welled up with anger for Lashandra and pitty for her innocent kids.

“What would drive a woman, to do such a thing?” have been circulated in newspapers, and many theories abound explaining away what I consider indefensible.

As far as I’m concerned, there is no fancy psychological mumbo-jumbo that can describe why those kids died at their mother’s hand.

We always have to have excuse for bad behaviot in this country!

We could never have a discussion of personal responsibility because that would require some level of self examination of how we live, or taking into account the choices we make. This article in the NY Post pushes the idea that Lashanda was driven to suicide/murder by her cruel-cheating-deadbeat boyfriend.

That’s a bunch of bullshit!

So what if the guy was a supreme asshole?

Wasn’t he the same type of asshole when Lashanda had his first baby? Or did her become an asshole after baby #2? Or did it dawn on her after giving him a third child, “Shit, this guy is an asshole!”

Is that how it went?

I’m not making any excuse for the boyfriend. A grown man that doesn’t handle his responsibilities by providing for the children he brings to the world is not a real man as far as I’m concerned.

He’s a fuck up!

These type of men are a dime a dozen in America. However, Lashanda bears the responsibility of opening her legs to that type of man and pushing out three babies in the process. She wasn’t a girlfriend anymore, she was a mother of four children at the tender age of 25-bearly an adult herself.

But, Lashanda Armstrong is not unique!

There’re tens of thousands Lashanda Armstrongs in the United States. The illegitimate birth rate (children born out of wedlock) is 70% in the black community—a factoid in itself that’s the root causes of a myriad of issues that plague the nation. But, we never bring that up in the mix, do we?

However, killing her children in a fit of rage because the life that she created for herself was somehow closing in on her, puts her on new level of evil incarnate.

Not that I condone taking a life, but if Lashanda was in the killing mood, she ought to have limited the damage to either herself or her good for nothing lover.

Let the children live!