Friday, April 29, 2011

Why Trump resonates (F bomb speech) with Republicans and what GOPers should take from it

We already know that Donald Trump is a very successful businessman. We already know he’s a real leader that knows what it takes to create jobs in the “real world.” There’s nothing theoretical about the guy. He didn’t cut his teeth in the classrooms and hallways at Harvard like a certain community organizer in the White House.

He did it in the cold, no non-sense world of American and Global business where profits are the measure of how well the business is doing.

But, all that is not the reason he’s hitting home runs with voters poll after poll. Bottom line, cut to the chase, the reason why Republicans are gravitating to Trump is because he’s saying EVERTHING REPUBLICANS WANNA HEAR that the present GOP Washington-class leaders are TOO CFHICKEN SHIT to SAY.
It’s as simple as that and the sooner these feckless bastards in the GOP realize that the better ti will be for them. These GOP morons have to get it into their thick skulls that America wants bold leadership, not a bunch of “Me-too” “tits on a bull” Republicans that are too damn timid to take it to BaraCK Obama and the Democrats.

Now, I don’t know if Trump is running, he might not. But, if he does these other men in the race for the nomination better step up their game! And I’ll tell you this. I’m not worried about Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin because they already have more balls than Mitt Romney or Pawlenty.

Trump is the only male equivalent to Bachmann and Palin. That’s the damn problem with the GOP—too many weak ass, panty wearing, wanna be loved by the media guys like John Boehenr and Eric Cantor.

These metro sexual Republican RINOS needs to get the fuck out the Party and let real men like Allen West and Mark Rubio take over!
