Sunday, May 8, 2011

Activists want the word N-Word “Nigger” gone from markers, but responsibility for change in dispute

This is very interesting. The “n-word” can’t catch a break anymore at least when it comes to white folks who use it. However, I still hear the word fly around like nothing among Blacks folks like it’s no big deal.

Either the word is wrong for all usage or we shouldn’t make a fuss about it.

But, white Libs and their guilt over their preceding generations saying the word “nigger” with ease is why some are still twisted in knots over it.

Truth be told, the word “nigger” is too valuable a word used by Libs as a political weapon against enemies, and at the same time as a term of endearment for friends. “My Nigga”

So stop all the funerals already, because the word “nigger” is like Jason, it always comes back to life.

L.A. Daily News reports in this photo taken April 26, 2011, one of the grave makers using the n-word is seen over one of the 36 bodies that had been moved from the gold rush era Negro Hill Cemetery to the Mormon Island Relocation Cemetery near Folsom, Calif. The burial plots from Negro Hill went unmarked for more than half a century _ until a contractor hired by the Army Corps of Engineers moved the bodies to make way for a lake, and marked the graves with stones that used a derogatory term for African-American. Now, some 60 years later, a handful of activists are trying to change the offensive gravestones, only to find their good intentions snagged on government bureaucracy

Time has weathered the 36 concrete gravestones in a dusty, half-century-old cemetery tucked away in a corner of California's former gold fields. Time has not erased, however, the bigotry of a bygone era carved into the markers.

The dead, both black and white, had been moved from a Gold Rush-era hamlet known as Negro Hill in the 1950s to make way for a reservoir.

The problem is the way the markers continue to identify them almost 60 years later:

"Unknown. Moved from Nigger Hill Cemetery by U.S. Government - 1954."

Now a handful of activists are trying to get the markers replaced with ones bearing what they say was the original name, Negro Hill.

"Telling the accurate story of what happened and putting the positive correction is something that this region has a responsibility to do," activist Michael Harris said.

The trouble is getting someone to take responsibility for fixing an error committed during an era when the N-word was commonly used. The Army Corps of Engineers, which had the graves relocated, says it handed over control of the gravesite to El Dorado County. The county says it welcomes a solution from the Corps.

On Thursday, a group that oversees work projects for state prison inmates stepped in with an offer to update the gravestones. Chuck Pattillo, general manager of the California Prison Industry Authority, said the inmates can finish the work in two days, free of charge. He just needs approval from El Dorado County. He also called the Corps, which referred him to El Dorado. The county did not immediately return a call requesting comment.

At a meeting last week, the county's board invited Harris to propose a fix, but made no promises.

"If the United States government is portraying something inaccurately, I'm very upset about it," board chairman Ray Nutting told Harris.

The origin of the name "Negro Hill" can be traced back to California's colorful and hectic founding as a state.

People from all over the world poured in during the Gold Rush with dreams of striking it rich. Where they discovered gold, the site typically was named after the race, religion or other social group of those who found it first and settled there. That's why the Sierra Nevada foothills are filled with names like China Camp, Dutch Flat or Chili Bar (after Chilean miners).

This photo provided by the Army Corps of Engineers and taken in the 1950's, graves of the unknown are seen marked at the Negro Hill Cemetery, in Negro Hill, Calif. The burial plots from Negro Hill went unmarked for more than half a century _ until a contractor hired by the Army Corps of Engineers moved the bodies to make way for a lake, and marked the graves with stones that used a derogatory term for African-American. Now, some 60 years later, a handful of activists are trying to change the offensive gravestones, only to find their good intentions snagged on government bureaucracy. (AP Photo/ US Army Corps of Engineers photo)

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