Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Big stink in the news yesterday about a black HS lacrosse player being called a "Nigger" - Now we find out the person who called him that is BLACK!

Wheaton students admit to taunting at lacrosse game
Two Wheaton Warrenville South High School students face disciplinary action after admitting today to taunting two African-American freshman lacrosse players from Naperville North at a game Friday in Wheaton, officials said.

Bob Rammer, assistant superintendent for operations in School District 200, said an investigation led to the two sophomore students. One student admitted using a racial slur. The other student admitted taunting the players.

“The student that used the racial obloquy was an African-American, but that in no way diminishes his comment,” Rammer said. “But I think it indicates it wasn’t a racial issue between the students as it was originally portrayed.”

Rosalind Crosby, the mother of the two Naperville players, who are the only African-Americans on the freshman team, said late Tuesday, “For him (Rammer) to say it’s not a racial issue, then I understand why they (the students) feel comfortable to spread out racial terms in public. ... Can’t you just say that it’s just wrong. ... That’s clearly still a negative racial slur.”

Rashad and Sharad Crosby were on the receiving end of the comments as they exited the team bus prior to a game against Wheaton Warrenville South, Rashad said Monday.

According to Rashad, people in a van near the bus “kept yelling and laughing, like it was really funny. He said the same group attended the game, and while he didn’t hear racial slurs during play, other taunting continued against him, his brother and their teammates.

District 200 officials were made aware of the situation Monday after receiving a letter from the boy’s mother. Rosalind Crosby said she has received an oral apology from Healy and an email apology from Rammer.

Rosalind Crosby said Monday that her sons told her at least two people directed a racial slur at them before the game.

It is not immediately clear how the two Wheaton Warrenville South students will be reprimanded, but Rammer said it could range from a lengthy detention to expulsion. The extent of their punishment will depend on their background and previous history.

Both students have also written letters apologizing for their actions to Rashad and Sharad Crosby, as well as to the Naperville North principal. The letters will be delivered Wednesday, Rammer said.

“We continue to feel bad for the incident and for the discomfort the Naperville North students experienced while they were participating, or least observing, an activity of ours,” he said.

Rammer added their actions in no way reflect the standards of type of behavior promoted in District 200.