Thursday, May 26, 2011

Chicago Police shoot & wound female robbery suspect on West Side

A female robbery suspect was wounded by Chicago police on the West Side on Wednesday night after she tried to run them down, police said.

Earlier in the evening in a separate shooting, police Chicago shot and killed a teen robbery suspect in the South Shore neighborhood.

In the second shooting, police were alerted about 10:30 p.m. to a robbery-in-progress in the area of the 5600 block of West Irving Park Road, according to preliminary police reports. Officers saw a vehicle matching the description of the one used in the robbery near the 4400 block of West Madison Street, police said.

When the officers approached the vehicle driven by a female, she attempted to run down the officers, police said. One of the officers fired several shots at her, striking her in the shoulder, police said. She was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital, but her condition was not available.

The officers involved in the shooting were members of the Mobile Strike Force and comes days before that unit and the Targeted Response Unit are scheduled to be redeployed to beat patrol in high-crime districts on the South and West sides.

The incident happened in the Harrison District, one of at least eight districts that will be getting those officers.

Proceeds from the robbery were recovered at the scene, police said.

Four other officers were injured on their way to the scene in a collision with another vehicle on the 4400 block Wilcox Street, said News Affairs Officer Ronald Gaines. One person in the second vehicle also was injured. None of the injuries was life-threatening, he said.

The independent Police Review Authority was investigating the shooting.