Monday, May 30, 2011

Dems control 2 houses but prefer Mediscare to fixing Medicare

Definition of lazy and irresponsible

Lazy- Unwilling to work or use energy, lack of effort or activity.

Irresposible- Lacking a sense of responsibility; unreliable or untrustworthy

I lead with these two definitions because both words fit the Democrat Party like a glove when considering their failure to address Medicare’s upcoming bankruptcy.

Democrats like President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid are lazy because don’t wanna roll up their sleeves and fix the Medicare problem. The responsibility to fix it falls on them because they’re the elected leaders that administer Medicare.

They’d rather run their mouths and make videos of grandma being thrown over a cliff than to offer an alternative plan to fix Medicare. That makes them irresponsible

So when Lefty blogger and Amen corner thumper Steve Benen writes the following, is it really a surprise?:

“It’s exasperating, but it’s worth reemphasizing what too many establishment types simply refuse to understand: Democrats are telling the truth. Indeed, Dems are doing what the media is reluctant to do: offering an accurate assessment of the Republican plan for Medicare. If voters find the GOP proposal frightening, the problem is with the plan, not with Democrats’ rhetoric.

What Dems are doing is ringing an alarm — Republicans are up to something dangerous, and Democrats want people to know about it.

Full article here

Benen has the nerve to say that what the Democrats are doing isn’t demagoguery because they’re telling the truth. I’m sorry, but if the only thing the Democrats are offering is a bunch of…”those guys wanna take away your Medicare”…scare talk, its demagoguery 101.

And as NY 26.

The media is running with a false template, as usual, because the Democrats ran a fake Tea Party candidate to siphon votes away from the GOP candidate. Truth in reporting, anybody?
