Friday, May 20, 2011

Dominik Graf - Deine besten Jahre AKA Your Best Years (1999)

Deine besten Jahre AKA Your Best Years
Vera Kemp is a financially secured company heiress. As an art historian she is a public figure. She’s a wife and mother who has found happiness in private life. At her 36th birthday a younger woman claims to be her husband’s mistress. Vera Kemp decides to fight for the first time in her life.

About Dominik Graf

Ekkehard Knörer, jump-cut wrote:
Dominik Graf makes movies for TV that are bigger than TV, but in his case this might be not a problem at all. It seems that his films work best as movies made for TV, TV as movies. This is because of the hackneyed stories he and his writers certainly twist and turn - without the intention, however, of turning them into art. Or rather, it is an art that turns its back to TV. This movement of turning its back remains important, though, as a gesture, a gesture that works best at the place it turns away from: TV. Dominik Graf's art is an art of transcending TV by means of using it, of reproducing it in a radically transformed way. It remains recognizable in the stories, the motives - not the emotions, though. Where TV usually likes to be comforting Graf's films are cruel and alienating. He has made movies for the big screen, to be sure, but in the last ten years (and these are the years in which he has become a truly unique director) his two attempts - »Die Sieger« and »A map of the Human Heart« - were terrible flops, not with critics but commercially. Which is a pity mostly for foreign audiences, as for them it is virtually impossible to get hold of the films of one of German's finest directors. Graf - Deine besten Jahre (1999).avi

no pass