Sunday, May 15, 2011

DotA Hero Yurnero - The Juggernaut DotA Hero guide, Build and Strategy

DotA Hero Yurnero The Juggernaut guide, Build and Strategy. Slicing through armor with the greatest of ease. Whirling, dancing like a dervish, swiping foes with a flick of the wrist. Poetry in motion, slashing enemy upon enemy in the blink of an eye. Yurnero seeks perfection. Seeks to become one with his blade. All to fulfill his destiny as the unstoppable Juggernaut.
Yurnero – The Juggernaut
Range: 100 | Move Speed: 305
Primary: AGI
Str: 20 + 1.9 | Agi: 20 + 2.85 | Int: 14 + 1.4
Damage: 44 – 48 | HP: 530 | Mana: 182
HP Regen: 0.85 | Mana Regen: 0.57
Attack Speed: 0.71 | Armor: 4
Blade Fury (F)
Causes a bladestorm of destructive force of 200 AoE around Yurnero, rendering him immune to magic and dealing damage to nearby enemy units and buildings. Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 1 – Deals 80 damage per second.
Level 2 – Deals 100 damage per second.
Level 3 – Deals 120 damage per second.
Level 4 – Deals 140 damage per second.
• This skill won’t affect mechanical units.
• You can use items (including TP Scroll/ Boots of Travel) during Blade Fury.
• If a unit is not being affected by Blade Fury, Yurnero can perform normal attacks against this unit.
Mana Cost: 110
Cooldown: 30/28/26/24 Seconds
Healing Ward (G)
Summons a Healing Ward that heals units` within 500 AoE. Ward can move slowly, has 5 HP and 0 medium armor. Lasts 25 seconds.
Level 1 – Heals 2% of hit points per second.
Level 2 – Heals 3% of hit points per second.
Level 3 – Heals 4% of hit points per second.
Level 4 – Heals 5% of hit points per second.
• You can order the Healing Ward to move (movespeed 300).
• If a unit is affected by two Healing Wards only one will work.
• The ward won’t heal mechanical units.
Mana Cost: 80/100/120/140
Cooldown: 60 Seconds
Blade Dance (C)
Yurnero`s cunning blade gives him a chance to deal double damage on each attack.
Level 1 – 10% chance.
Level 2 – 18% chance.
Level 3 – 26% chance.
Level 4 – 36% chance.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Omnislash (E)
Yurnero moves around the battlefield, slashing many enemies. Yurnero becomes invulnerable while Omnislashing. The search area is 450.
Level 1 – Unleash 3 (5*) blink strikes.
Level 2 – Unleash 5 (7*) link strikes.
Level 3 – Unleash 8 (10*) blink strikes.
Mana Cost: 200/ 275/ 350
Cooldown: 130/120/110 (110/100/90 with Scepter)
• Can be improved by Aghanim’s Scepter (* shows the improved values).
• Interrupts channeling skills of the primary target.
• Each slash deals 150 – 250 damage, with an interval of 0.4 seconds.
• With enough attack speed, Yurnero can attack with his own attack strength while jumping around, in these attacks Yurnero can place buffs and trigger chance effects.
• The slashes can’t be avoided by evasion. The normal attacks, however, can.
• You can use items while using Omnislash.