Sunday, May 29, 2011

Eugène Green - Le Pont des Arts aka The Bridge of Art (2004)

Plot / Synopsis
Paris, 1979 - 1980. Pascal resolutely delays getting his philosophy thesis underway. Christine, his girlfriend, can't understand his casual attitude. Sarah is a singer in a baroque trio and dedicates herself to her art. Manuel, her boyfriend, tries to support her. The trio conceive future projects together, in particular an event based around Monteverdi. Directed by the Innommable, the trio's musician, a man as cruel as he is arrogant, Sarah devotes herself body and soul to the recording of "Lamento dela Ninfa." The disc is released and achieves considerable success. Christine gives it to Pascal for Christmas; he discovers and is delighted by Sarah's voice. Sarah continues her work sessions with the Innommable, but he is increasingly humiliating and violent. She finally gives up. Pascal progressively sinks into a torpor and melancholy and can no longer stand being with Christine. She leaves him. Both marked in the same way by misfortune, intimately linked by music, Sarah and Pascal lose themselves in a shared dream. But how long will it last?

In the rarefied stratosphere of Eugene Green's film "Le Pont des Arts," music, literature, philosophy and aesthetics, and the characters' engagement with them, are literally matters of life and death. Here and in his other films, Mr. Green, the American-born French filmmaker who founded the Theatre de la Sapience, a group dedicated to revitalizing 17th-century Baroque theater in modern productions, has invented a cinematic vocabulary that radically juxtaposes classical and contemporary themes and characters. ... In "Le Pont des Arts," Mr. Green's propensity for throwing in academically heavyweight references and concepts may seem intimidating, but it is more than an exercise in name-dropping. The movie is an audacious, mythically slanted inquiry into the place of high art in today's chaotic culture and an assertion of its primacy. ... -- NYTimes
