Gary Hill
"Hill's installations liberate video art from the confines of the screening room; his video projections and multimonitor, digitally edited imagery can awaken even the most dazed TV channel-surfers. Tall Ships was the one undisputed hit of Documenta IX and the 1993 Whitney Biennial, and remains one of the most compelling works of the last decade."
"Hill's use of video projections introduces figurative and narrative concerns to the more sculpturally static work of video pioneers like Nam June Paik or Shigeko Kubota. Indeed, his use of cutting-edge technology seems to open up incredible possibilities for video installation. Hill continually seeks to trick the senses into perceptions beyond their comprehension. The final shot of Site Recite (a prologue) is taken from a tiny camera within a mouth, looking out as it forms the words, "Imagining the brain closer than the eyes." This desire to transcend the senses with a pure, Platonic inteflectualism is present throughout Hill's videotapes and installations; yet he never forgets that the intellect, too, is grounded in the physical body. It is this age-old riddle -the paradoxical relation of mind and body- that underlies Hill's work and guarantees its appeal." -from Art In America, June, 1995
"Old-school critics feel uncomfortable with video; it's not within their territory. And art dealers and galleries offer them little incentive to do their homework. The bottom line is that video art is not a saleable commodity (if it is a commodity). You can't buy tapes and hang them on the wall."
"Suddenly last summer, everything changed. The Documenta exhibition in Germany set a Chinese whisper lose among curators and critics. The mutterings declared that video had finally come of age. As if to prove the point, two major British galleries -MOMA, Oxford, and the Whitechapel in London- are staging exhibitions by two of the video world's grand masters: Gary Hill and Bill Viola respectively. In a recent interview, Gary Hill remarked on the current flurry of interest by suggesting that perhaps it was the art world that had finally come of age." -from New Statesman & Society, Dec., 1993 Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v2 - ura aru.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v2 - why do things get in a muddle.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - primarily speaking.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - processual video.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - picture story.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - happenstance.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - elements.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - fullcircle.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - around and about.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - primary.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - mouth piece.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - around and about.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - elements.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - fullcircle.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - happenstance.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - mouth piece.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - picture story.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - primarily speaking.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - primary.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v1 - processual video.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v2 - ura aru.avi Hill - spinning the spur of the moment v2 - why do things get in a muddle.avi
no pass