Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Paul Huebl of Crime File News is asking for some help - Urgent Call for Information

Pictured above officer Paul Clavijo

Chicago, IL--I cannot provide future stories or provide opinions on the following case to avoid a conflict of interest. I must however put out a request for information necessary to insure we have any and all information in an effort to get my client a fair day in court.

As most of my Chicago readers are aware, two Chicago cops have been charged in a complaint with Sexual Assault. These officers have vigorously denied the allegations and are anxiously waiting for their day in court so they may exonerate themselves. They are like anyone else accused in America, are entitled to the presumption of innocence. They, like anyone else deserve fundamental fairness.

Chicago police officer, Paul Clajivo and a fellow officer has been charged with sexual assault from a 30 March 11incident that took place at 1369 West Greenleaf Avenue, Apt. #110, Chicago, IL.

Additionally a second woman now has claimed she is a victim of a sexual assault by officer Clajivo that took place at 2549 West Rascher, Apt. #2-B, Chicago, IL on 11 March 11. Clavijo has been charged with this additional allegation additionally and separately.

There are many of my readers that have information about the witnesses and complainants that’s desperately needed for the defense. Please contact me confidentially after getting my contact information by clicking on my picture. You may comment also. No comments posted on this containing information will be published to protect my readers as well as the complainants and witnesses involved in this matter. .

Here are the people I’m seeking information about:

Jessica Fox, Female, Black (light complexion),26 years-old,

Sarah Flesher, Female White DOB 1-15-89

Heather Harper, Female White DOB 7 July 65

Carl Lindberg Male, White, DOB 14 December 81

Any information no matter how trivial would be greatly appreciated.

I am just passing this information on for Paul, please leave your comments at his blog.