Sunday, May 8, 2011

PlayStation Network may be offline even longer than expected as Sony works to fix security breaches

This is serious issues for those worried about identity theft. I’m not a gamer. I lost interest after the age of 23 when I figured it was time to start being a man, and put away childish things.

Funny, I thought I was late to quit!

But, we have gamers my age 48, and older. I always thought there was something wrong with a man who still plays video games.

I just don’t get it!

Daily Mail reports Sony's PlayStation Network may be offline for longer than expected as the company battles to fix two security breaches.

It was due to be up and running again this weekend, but officials today announced the firm is still performing checks on the system. More than 100 million Sony gamers have had their personal details stolen in less than a month, after two cyber attacks which the company has blamed on a hacker linked to internet vigilante group Anonymous. The Japanese electronics giant made the accusations in a letter to U.S. Congress amid complaints its response to the breaches had been inadequate and tardy.

In April, the firm announced the details of 77million PlayStation Network users had been stolen.

Earlier this week it revealed hackers had also gained access to data for a further 25million customers on its Sony Online Entertainment service, including emails, birth dates, phone numbers and addresses.

On Friday Sony's senior director of communications, Patrick Seybold, said the PlayStation Network repairs had been delayed because the firm hadn't realized the full extent of the second breach.

In a statement on his blog, he wrote: 'When we held the press conference in Japan last week, based on what we knew, we expected to have the services online within a week.

More details here