Friday, May 20, 2011

SUCKING UP DOES PAY = Gay LAPD officer awarded more than $1M

A jury has awarded $1.1 million to an openly gay Los Angeles police sergeant who said he was harassed and retaliated against because of his sexuality.

The Los Angeles Times reports Thursday that Ronald Crump sued the city last year alleging his supervisor at the police media relations section, Lt. John Romero, made derogatory remarks.

Crump said he had made several attempts to voice his concerns and filed a written complaint. But these were determined to be unfounded by the LAPD’s Professional Standards Bureau and Crump was ultimately transferred from the media relations section to the Skid Row area.

He told the jury that the transfer was punitive.

The LAPD has come under recent criticism from an oversight agency over shortcomings in the way it investigates officers’ retaliation charges.


Once again thanks to INANDAROUNDGARFIELDRIDGE for this news story.