Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dem Kathleen Hochul wins NY 26 because Tea Party candidate doomed GOPer like Reagan warned.

The Obama Left wing propaganda machine, otherwise know as the mainstream media, is desperately spinning the results of last night’s NY 26 congressional district vote as a referendum on Paul Ryan’s budget plan.

Don’t believe the hooey!

However, last night should be a sober warning to the Tea Party of what happens when you run a 3rd party candidate-Democrats win!

Hochul defeated Republican Jane L. Corwin, a Clarence assemblywoman, 47 percent to 43 percent, with 97 percent of election districts reporting, while the Tea Party's Jack Davis mustered only 9 percent.

Had this have been a contest between Hochul and Corwin, NY26 would still be in the GOP. Ronald Reagan warned over 30 years that we didn’t need a 3rd party but a new and revitalized Republican Party. I’m a Tea Partyer myself, but I haven’t forgotten my Reagan schoolin’.

So, going forward the media is going to mount a disinformation campaign saying that anonymous Tea Party big wigs want to run a Tea Party candidate for the presidency. Don’t fall for the trap and remember NY 26.
