Thursday, May 5, 2011

Obama needs to remember, it’s the Economy Stupid!

Libs are falling all over themselves pimping their president as new generation Genghis Khan who takes no prisoners, chews glass as an appetizer, and shits MX missiles.

It’s a nice show, but who do he think he’s foolin’?

President Obama is benefitting from a national security apparatus and special forces corps that Bush left behind after he built it up. If Obama had his way, he would’ve cut defense spending and given the money to his buddies in the public sector unions.

We all know that Obama is as much a warrior as Mickey Mouse is The Hulk.

But, since President Obama and the Libs insist on milking Osama bin Laden’s assassination (and it was an assassination) for all that it’s worth, let me remind them that it was Bill Clinton who coined the phrase, “It’s the Economy Stupid!”

George H. W. Bush was riding high in the polls too (89% approval) after winning Desert Storm. And he turned out to be a one-term president because of a weak economy.

Today Barackl Obama’s economy is much worse and this factoid will be a much bigger factor than bin Laden’s death.

So enjoy the victory lap while you can, it will be a faint memory as the unemployment rate continues to be sky high, people are still losing their homes, and the America grows tired of one trick pony acting like Douglas MacArthur.
