Thursday, May 5, 2011

Obama Walks Away From 9/11 Family Member Debra Burlingame Who Asks About Investigation of CIA Interrogators

Obama knows damn well that he would’ve gotten bin Laden without the work of CIA operatives that used enhanced interrogation techniques. He’s taking credit for things that worked that he was initially against. Eric Holder’s law firm represented terrorists for God’s sakes and they have the nerve to takes bows for an assassination?

Gimmie a break!

The Blaze reports Debra Burlingame, who lost her pilot brother on 9/11 when his plane crashed into the Pentagon, had a reportedly chilly exchange with President Barack Obama today. During a meeting with a select group of 9/11 families, Obama greeted Burlingame and even hugged her after a few pleasantries.

But when Burlingame asked about Eric Holder’s plan to file criminal charges against CIA interrogators, Obama’s friendly manner allegedly stiffened.
Burlingame asked Obama if he would voice his opinion to Holder on the matter of the investigation of the CIA interrogators. She said, “I know that as a former attorney … you can’t tell the AG what to do in an investigation, but these [the interrogators] are unsung heroes….and they have been exonerated in two justice department investigations. But that didn’t satisfy Eric Holder….Would you, in light of what’s happened, speak to him about standing them [the investigating prosecutors] down?”

Obama allegedly responded that Burlingame is right, that he cannot tell Holder how to conduct his investigation. Burlingame jumped in, saying, yes but “You can give him your opinion, will you do that?”

Obama said, “No I won’t.” And then he allegedly turned and walked away.
Burlingame suggested, “You can do it privately.”

Obama allegedly responded, “No.”

Burlingame describes all of this in the two clips below—the first from Fox, the second from Sean Hannity.
