Thursday, June 2, 2011

School yearbook puts Bush and Cheney on list of 'worst 5 people of all time' (alongside Hitler, Bin Laden and Charles Manson)

This is the hatred of The Left on display. Remember, it’s the taxpayers paying for this garbage that’s indoctrinating our children to become little Leftists.

Daily Mail

A middle school yearbook has listed former President George W. Bush and former Vice President Dick Cheney among the 'worst people of all time' - ranking them alongside Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden and Charles Manson.

Printed in the yearbook for students at Russellville Middle School in Arkansas, the list has prompted furious responses from parents and staff.

Faculty members stuck black tape across the offending page in a last ditch attempt to save face but parents are furious about the gaffe, which aligns the former president with some of the
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler topped the list, followed closely by former Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden, who was killed last month by U.S. troops in Pakistan.

Third worst of all time was notorious serial killer Charles Manson, with George W. Bush in fourth and Dick Cheney trailing in fifth place.

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