Thursday, June 2, 2011

Spate of deadly shootings around Yuma, Arizona, near Mexican border

A 73-year-old man angry about his divorce went on a shooting spree in Yuma, Ariz., killing five people before he committed suicide.

Driving a PT Cruiser, Carey Hal Dyess began hunting his victims early in the morning, taking his grudge and his gun to various locations inside and outside the city.

One of the victims was divorce lawyer Jerrold Shelley. Another, who was shot four times in the face, was a friend of Dyess' ex-wife, authorities said.

The first shooting happened before 5 a.m. Four hours later, cops found the body of a woman in her yard.

There were three more shootings before Dyess shot himself near a highway about 11:30 a.m.

Mayor Al Krieger said the shootings rocked the city of 200,000 near the Mexican border.

"It's one of those things where someone went and did something very, very foolish," Krieger said. "I'm sorry for the loss of life."